I have heard people talk about their dreams, their aims and what they are willing to do for them! But how far have they got from the starting point.......how much further is the finish line......we get so engrossed in our lives and our daily activities that we sometimes forget our dreams and ambitions. Recently, I met a friend who had planned to buy an electric guitar. That was before the summer vacations. During the summer vacations he had many engagements such as the industrial training, shopping and spending quality time with family and friends after four months in college. That was all well and good! When I met him, the first thing I asked him about was the guitar because I was so enthusiastic about it. And he had absolutely forgotten about it. Thats what I am talking about. We all talk about doing so many things, very few of us really get finish what we started. Like so many of us decide in the begining to do our best to get a 9 or 8 gpa or those who decide to give up smoking or drinking by the year-end or even those who make the promise of togetherness to their girlfriends! But how far did we get.......maybe serious studies till the first sessionals when we dedicate ourselves completely to pc games and football..............or two weeks without a puff or the 30ml affair till someone comes along with a lighted cigarette or a trip to the pub........or only a month till she is unfaithful and his love for her is gone! The issue at hand is not much different from the peace commitments between India and Pakistan! We have been hearing about peace between the two countries for years but some how they always fall short of getting it! Or easing legal restrictions on homosexuals! Many of us have trouble accepting gays into the society but we actually don't have problem with them as individuals but because they don't conform to normal social norms. Or child abuse or child atrocities or pollution, you name it! We commit and then we all of a sudden we walk away! Very few of us make it to the end of the journey.
Its a world of our own creation. We make the mistakes and we face the consequences! We are victims of our own suffering! Perhaps if Israel wasn't created, the middle-east wouldn't be the the epicentre of religious violence. Maybe if G W Bush didn't become president, Iraq and afghanistan wouldn't be innundated. We often see activists going on anti-war protests which guarantees more ugliness and violence. But how is it that we never see a pro-peace march, is it really so difficult to forgive than to just senselessly pit ourselves against them!
I am a student but I am also an individual! To be blunt, I am an individual who is well aware of whats happening today in this world and who also merely happens to be a student.If, God forbid, the day comes when I have to choose between being a quiet and compromising, innocent, compulsively nice student who just stands by and watches; and a responsible, powerful individual in touch with his spirituality and consciousness who is completely capable of taking matters into his own hands, which, if happens then the world may slip into mayham and anarchy..........I think you get the idea! Because so often we see, don't we, these clever people who just can't wait to tear down and destroy this world of ours. But do they ever have anything to put in place of what they destroy......no its just pure, quantum destruction!
P.S. - Well..............yes, what I have written is definitely a bit of an exaggeration but sometimes you really have to wonder whats happening to this world, you really do!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
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