Saturday, February 7, 2009

As you sit and sip your cup of tea

Now, as you sit and sip your cup of tea
And leave the rest alone to rail and worry,
We are sufficient now, you must agree.

How soon the time, I think, to cross the sea
Severing us from land and hour, I'll hurry
Now, as you sit and sip your cup of tea.

And in this time, your voice now calling me
To double speed , to make it fast, to bury
All, to make sufficient now, I must agree

To spent my time now learning, how to be
Able to stand my ground amidst this furry
Now, as you sit and sip your cup of tea.

There will be time, that when my soul is free
And burdenless, and not for other's glory,
We shall be sufficient. Now you must agree,.

That as we pass each day, and pass each hour
Until a time when this is merely memory,
Now as you sit and sip your cup of tea,
We are sufficient now, you must agree.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Love is Blind

They have found that feelings of love lead to a suppression of activity in the areas of brain controlling critical thought.
It seems that once we get close to a person, the brain decides that the need to access their character and personality is reduced. Nothing matters then!
The study was conducted by University college in London.

The researchers found that both romantic love and material love have the same effect on love.

Love is not just physical attraction. It is every thing the other person is. Every word she says, every single step he takes, every move she makes. Love transcends all limits, all boundaries, even expectations....